1. why you do what you do
when you start with ‘why’ the right clients will find you.
2. what are your magnetic qualities.
Are you hiding your most attractive features.
3. how you want to be seen
pinpoint your greatest assets.
Enjoy a gentle and exhilarating experience of self expression.
(A variety of digital image bank packages are available*)
1. learn how to see the ‘good bones’ of your images
instead of seeing the features you hate, see the best you!
2. meet your inner bff
shift your perspective. learn to see what others like about you.
3. identify the real things that attract clients
learn what matters most about how you connect.
1. authenticity action plan
put your best qualities to work for you.
2. social media walkthrough
like, tweet, pin, OMG!
it’s a whole new world, learn new ways to connect.
3. use your images to sell
your photo can sell better than words.
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